This project aimed to visualize and find interesting trends in the historical instance and geographical distribution of Influenza. tldr; a pretty graph:


Analyzing the Influenza Dataset

The influenza dataset was downloaded here from the Tycho Project along with the relevant metadata in data/influenza/US/*.

import sys
import pandas

file_loc = 'data/influenza/US/US.6142004.csv'
df = pandas.read_csv(
    parse_dates=['PeriodStartDate', 'PeriodEndDate'], 
    date_parser=lambda x: pandas.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')

We notice a few things about the dataset:

  • There is only one PathogenName in the dataset (‘unidentified influenza virus’)
  • There is only one AgeRange in the dataset (‘0-130’)
  • There are no DiagnosisCertainty values (‘nan’, (‘NA)
  • The CountValue column is sometimes a “Cummulative” value
    • See the dataset readme under ‘Separate cumulative from non-cumulative time interval series’
    • The PartOfCumulativeCountSeries is not provided in this dataset
pandas.unique(df[['PathogenName', 'AgeRange', 'DiagnosisCertainty']].values.ravel('K'))
array(['unidentified influenza virus', '0-130', nan], dtype=object)

Sanitizing the Dataset

We need to sanitize the dataset to show instance counts in non-overlapping date ranges to make aggregate analysis more simple. To do so, we first see if rows in the dataset actually do contain overlapping date intervals.

Verifying Overlaps Exist

from src.lib.parse import overlaps, combine_rows

# these are the columns used to determine 
#  if two rows should be checked for overlapping date ranges
# *in order* (least to most specific)
match_on = [

sort_by = ['PeriodStartDate']
found = overlaps(df, match_on, sort_by)
dupes = pandas.DataFrame(f[1][1] for f in found)
dupes.sort_values(by=['CountValue','CityName'], ascending=False)[[
CityName PeriodStartDate PeriodEndDate CountValue
169694 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 15
45322 CLEVELAND 1923-11-05 1923-11-11 8
99914 NEWARK 1923-11-05 1923-11-11 7
81621 SAVANNAH 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 4
55066 CHARLESTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 4
38670 PHILADELPHIA 1923-11-05 1923-11-11 3
178278 PORTLAND 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 2
70307 MINNEAPOLIS 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 2
175022 DALLAS 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 2
152524 BIRMINGHAM 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 2
53820 WASHINGTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
189084 TOPEKA 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
179730 SAN ANTONIO 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
92656 NASHVILLE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
217007 MIAMI 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
170996 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
162759 LITTLE ROCK 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
153725 BIRMINGHAM 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
158250 ATLANTA 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
141785 WINSTON-SALEM 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
106457 WILMINGTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
159797 WILMINGTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
166853 WICHITA 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
59741 WHEELING 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
108348 TAMPA 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
151371 TACOMA 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
181276 ST. JOSEPH 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
132556 SPOKANE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
109846 SHREVEPORT 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
131340 SEATTLE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
... ... ... ... ...
99128 MOBILE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
172800 MISSOULA 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
216533 MINOT 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
217690 MIAMI 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
113133 MEMPHIS 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
123539 LYNCHBURG 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
89258 LOUISVILLE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
187396 LEXINGTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
183608 LAWRENCE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
204925 LAKE CHARLES 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
122291 KNOXVILLE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
72164 KANSAS CITY 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
130258 HOUSTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
144754 HELENA 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
168618 GREENVILLE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
182846 GREAT FALLS 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
94199 GALVESTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
135563 FREDERICK 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
127075 FORT WORTH 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
206745 FLORENCE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
193250 FARGO 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
75637 DENVER 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
114894 CUMBERLAND 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
184782 COVINGTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
194271 COLORADO SPRINGS 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
56246 CHARLESTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
200854 CHARLESTON 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
119862 BRUNSWICK 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
204261 BILLINGS 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0
156074 ALBUQUERQUE 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 0

72 rows × 4 columns

Overlapping Data Example

Picking rows in the overlapping dateranges as an example:

ex_1 = (df.CityName == 'NEWARK') &(df.PeriodStartDate >= '1923-11-01') &(df.PeriodStartDate <= '1923-11-15')
ex_2 = (df.CityName == 'LOS ANGELES') &(df.PeriodStartDate >= '1937-05-15') &(df.PeriodStartDate <= '1937-05-31')
ex_3 = (df.CityName == 'CLEVELAND') &(df.PeriodStartDate >= '1923-11-01') &(df.PeriodStartDate <= '1923-11-30')
df.loc[ex_1 | ex_2 | ex_3].sort_values(by=[
])[['CityName', 'PeriodStartDate', 'PeriodEndDate', 'CountValue']]
CityName PeriodStartDate PeriodEndDate CountValue
45321 CLEVELAND 1923-11-04 1923-11-10 3
45322 CLEVELAND 1923-11-05 1923-11-11 8
45323 CLEVELAND 1923-11-18 1923-11-24 6
45324 CLEVELAND 1923-11-25 1923-12-01 4
46535 CLEVELAND 1923-11-04 1923-11-10 1
46536 CLEVELAND 1923-11-11 1923-11-17 2
169693 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-17 1937-05-23 8
169694 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 15
169695 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-30 1937-06-05 5
170995 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-17 1937-05-23 0
170996 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-23 1937-05-29 1
170997 LOS ANGELES 1937-05-30 1937-06-05 2
99913 NEWARK 1923-11-04 1923-11-10 11
99914 NEWARK 1923-11-05 1923-11-11 7

Sanitizing Overlapping Rows

As described in the dataset readme:

  • Cumulative case count time series consist of overlapping case count intervals starting on the same date, but ending on different dates.
    • For example, each interval in a cumulative count time series can start on January 1st, but end on January 7th, 14th, 21st, etc.
    • It is common practice among public health agencies to report cases for cumulative time intervals.

We find:

  • Between "1923-11-04","1923-11-10" there were 11 reported non-fatal counts of Influenza in Birmingham.
  • Between "1923-11-05","1923-11-11" there were 7 reported non-fatal counts of Influenza in Birmingham.

We can only be sure that between 1923-11-04 - 1923-11-11 there were between [11,18] (inclusive) counts of influenza recorded in Newark.

More generally:

  • Given possibly overlapping date ranges [d1, d2], [d3, d4], ... and instance counts c1, c2, c3, ...
  • We can be sure in the date range
    • [min(d1,d2,d3,...), max(d1,d2,d3,...)]
  • there are between
    • [max(c1,c2,c3...), sum(c1,c2,c3,c4...)] disease instance counts.*
  • We decide to pick the worst case (sum ) of the range - though you could also pick the average or minimum.
to_drop = [combine_rows(prev, cur, df) for prev, cur in overlaps(df, match_on, sort_by)]
df.drop(to_drop, inplace=True)
Test and Verify Sanitizing Worked
found = overlaps(df, match_on, sort_by)
except StopIteration:
    print("No overlaps found!")
No overlaps found!

Visualizing The Data

Fatal Instances of Influenza
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline


ax = sns.scatterplot(
    data=df[df.Fatalities == 1]

ax.set(xlim=(min(df.PeriodStartDate), max(df.PeriodStartDate) + pandas.DateOffset(years=1)))


Non-Fatal Instances of Influenza
%matplotlib inline


ax = sns.scatterplot(
    data=df[df.Fatalities == 0]

ax.set(xlim=(min(df.PeriodStartDate), max(df.PeriodStartDate) + pandas.DateOffset(years=1)))


Combined Fatal and Non-Fatal Instances of Influenza
%matplotlib inline


ax = sns.scatterplot(

ax.set(xlim=(min(df.PeriodStartDate), max(df.PeriodStartDate) + pandas.DateOffset(years=1)))


Preserving Datapoint Magnitudes

The above scatter plots mask an important piece of information, namely two states with similiar count values will overlap and mask the magnitudes. We can overcome this by using a heatmap.

Fatal Instances of Influenza Heatmap

We start by pivoting on the state and year, and aggregating on the fatal CountValue’s. We will also order the states from east to west geographically.

states_east_to_west = [
    'US-ME', 'US-NH', 'US-VT', 'US-MA', 'US-RI', 'US-CT', 'US-NY', 'US-NJ', 'US-PA', 'US-DE', 'US-MD', 'US-DC',
    'US-WV', 'US-VA', 'US-NC', 'US-SC', 'US-GA', 'US-FL',
    'US-MI', 'US-IN', 'US-OH', 'US-KY', 'US-TN', 'US-AL', 'US-MS',
    'US-WI', 'US-IL', 
    'US-MN', 'US-IA', 'US-MO', 'US-AR', 'US-LA',
    'US-ND', 'US-SD', 'US-NE', 'US-KS', 'US-OK', 'US-TX',
    'US-MT', 'US-WY', 'US-CO', 'US-NM',
    'US-ID', 'US-NV', 'US-UT', 'US-AZ',
    'US-WA', 'US-OR', 'US-CA', 
    'US-HI', 'US-AK'

df_pv = df[df.Fatalities == 1].groupby(['Admin1ISO', df['PeriodStartDate'].dt.year])['CountValue'].sum()
df_pv = df_pv.reset_index().pivot('Admin1ISO','PeriodStartDate', 'CountValue').reindex(states_east_to_west, axis=0).fillna(0)

    cmap=sns.diverging_palette(200, 275, s=99, l=70, as_cmap=True),
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x105c8fb00>


Non-Fatal Instances of Influenza Heatmap
df_pv = df[df.Fatalities == 0].groupby(['Admin1ISO', df['PeriodStartDate'].dt.year])['CountValue'].sum()
df_pv = df_pv.reset_index().pivot('Admin1ISO','PeriodStartDate', 'CountValue').reindex(states_east_to_west, axis=0).fillna(0)

    cmap=sns.diverging_palette(200, 275, s=99, l=70, as_cmap=True),
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1174f7668>


Combined Fatal and Non-Fatal Instances of Influenza
df_pv = df[df.Fatalities == 0].groupby(['Admin1ISO', df['PeriodStartDate'].dt.year])['CountValue'].sum()
df_pv = df_pv.reset_index().pivot('Admin1ISO','PeriodStartDate', 'CountValue').reindex(states_east_to_west, axis=0).fillna(0)

    cmap=sns.diverging_palette(200, 275, s=99, l=70, as_cmap=True),
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11152f6a0>


Code And Other Snippets
# %load src/lib/
def between(s, e, d):
    return s <= d <= e

def is_row_between(prev, cur, match_on):
        returns if the date range of prev 
        has any overlap 
        with the date range cur
        and if they have matching match_on values
    (_, r1), (_, r2) = prev, cur
    d1 = (r1.PeriodStartDate, r1.PeriodEndDate, r2.PeriodStartDate)
    d2 = (r1.PeriodStartDate, r1.PeriodEndDate, r2.PeriodEndDate)
    return all(r1[m] == r2[m] for m in match_on) and (between(*d1) or between(*d2))

def iter_with_prev(df):
        return an iterator that gives back a tuple on next
        ((i, previous_row), (i+1, previous_row))
        first value is ((0, df[0]), (1, df[1]))
        rows = df.iterrows()
        prev, curr = next(rows), next(rows)
        yield prev, curr
        prev = curr
        for row in rows:
            yield prev, row
            prev = row
    except StopIteration: # could yield back ((1, df[1]), None) ?

def combine_rows(prev, cur, df): #, r2_i, df
        combines the two rows into r2, drops r_1
            date range is smallest date range that includes r1 & r2
            count is sum(counts) (the worst caste)
                this could be avg, min, max etc.
        returns the index of the previous row
    (r1_i, r1), (r2_i, r2) = prev, cur
    dates = (r1.PeriodStartDate, r1.PeriodEndDate, r2.PeriodStartDate, r2.PeriodEndDate)
    counts = (r1.CountValue, r2.CountValue)[r2_i, 'PeriodStartDate'] = min(*dates)[r2_i, 'PeriodEndDate'] = max(*dates)[r2_i, 'CountValue'] = sum(counts)
    return r1_i

def overlaps(df, match_on, sort_by):
        yields the previous and current row
        given rows to match on, sort by and a data frame
    for prev, curr in iter_with_prev(df.sort_values(by=match_on + sort_by)):
        if is_row_between(prev, curr, match_on):
            yield prev, curr
df_pv2 = df_pv.div(df_pv.max(axis=1), axis=0)

    cmap = 'Spectral_r', 
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x133215e48>


df_pv2 = df_pv.div(df_pv.max(axis=0), axis=1)

    cmap = 'Spectral_r', 
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11473c198>
